Product and Industrial Design
Product and Industrial Design is a broad sector encompassing all kinds of consumer products. At MADE Design Consultancy, we have a wealth of experience in the development of simple products such as mobile phone cases, to more complex products such as a child’s stroller. Product Design is by nature a very diverse and varied discipline. As such we believe it is important to start every project with a learning phase where we listen to our clients and seek to understand the end user. Our Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering team can then get to work in designing the best possible product.
Sector Case Studies
Full Client Listing
Carbon Fibre Products | CCL Components | Child Travel System | Devel Golf | Die Draw | Drown Audio | eFoldi | Filament PD | ProductWorks | Recoil Kneepads | RHA Audio | RhinoWash | Scent Systems | Shipmate | The Drinks Cabinet | 4c Design