Medical Design
The design of medical devices is always interesting and often comes with a unique set of challenges. We have extensive experience designing products for the medical industry. From machinery used in the production of vaccines in the agricultural world. To ingenious solutions of routine hospital equipment that need an update.
Our expertise in product design, mechanical engineering and manufacturing support enables MADE to deliver complete design solutions to our clients.
Many of our Medical Device projects are currently under NDA, and so we are limited in what we can share at this time. The following provides a small insight into the projects we have completed in the Medical Sector:
Sector Case Studies
Full Client Listing
Carbon Fibre Products | CCL Components | Child Travel System | Devel Golf | Die Draw | Drown Audio | eFoldi | Filament PD | ProductWorks | Recoil Kneepads | RHA Audio | RhinoWash | Scent Systems | Shipmate | The Drinks Cabinet | 4c Design