Manufacturing Support
We regularly continue to support our clients through the manufacturing process, as it’s an essential step to achieving great product design. We have found that because different manufacturers have different capabilities and skill sets, often a perfectly manufacturable solution from one engineers’ perspective, is impossible from another’s.
To mitigate this reality, MADE will employ best practice in Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). While also working with a manufacturer throughout the process to ensure an optimal design solution.
We also provide manufacturing support once the primary design phase has been completed, to ensure the final product is as intended. We will continue working with and supporting our clients until they are satisfied.
MADE consultancy have a wealth of manufacturing experience from the one-off product to mass production design. We have worked with manufacturing partners in the UK and abroad with all manner of materials and techniques.
Sector Case Studies
Full Client Listing
Carbon Fibre Products | CCL Components | Child Travel System | Devel Golf | Die Draw | Drown Audio | eFoldi | Filament PD | ProductWorks | Recoil Kneepads | RHA Audio | RhinoWash | Scent Systems | Shipmate | The Drinks Cabinet | 4c Design